Thede, L. Q. The Electronic Health Record and Nursing Keynote Speaker at Jamestown Community College, Jamestown, NY, May 5, 2010.

Thede, L. Q. (2005). Nursing in the Age of the EHR. Greater Cleveland Nurses Association. Cleveland, OH. June 7, 2005.

Thede , L. Q. & Sewell, J. (2005). Nursing Informatics Specialists and Nursing Education: The Need for Collaboration. Presented at the Rutger's 23rd Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, April 15, 2005.

Thede, L. Q. & Sewell, J. (2004). Nursing Informatics Specialists and Nursing Education: The Need for Collaboration. Presented at the 2004 Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics, July 23, 2004 and Rutger's 23rd Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, April 15, 2005.

Thede, L.Q. & Murray, P. J. Towards a Global Nursing Knowledge Network. American Medical Informatics Association, Washington, D.C. November 9, 2003.

Thede, L.Q. & Murray, P. J. Towards a Global Nursing Knowledge Network. The University of Maryland 13th Annual Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics. Baltimore, MD. July 18, 2003.

Nelson, R.,Anton, B.,Englebardt, S., & Thede. L.Q. (2003). Tips, Techniques and Resources for Teaching Consumers, Students and Clinical Nurses Computer Fluency, Information Literacy and Informatics. Nursing Informatics 2003, Rio de Janeiro, June 23, 2003.

Thede, L.Q. (2003). Towards a Global Nursing Knowledge Network. Nursing Research Symposium. Igniting the Flame. Sponsored by Humility of Mary Health Partners and Youngstown State University Xi Xi Chapter Sigma Theta Tau International, Youngstown, OH, June 5, 2003.

Thede, L.Q. (2003) Teaching the Value of Nursing Data. Rutger's Twentieth-First Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, Orlando, FL April 28, 2003.

Thede, L.Q. (2003) & Murray, P. J. (2003). Towards a Global Nursing Knowledge Network. Rutger's Twentieth-First Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, Orlando, FL April 28, 2003.

Thede, L. Q. (2002). Nursing Data: What is its Value to Nurses? Nursing Quality Institute 2002, Columbus Ohio, October 4, 2002.

Thede, L.Q. (2002) Online Journals: Issues and Benefits. Rutger's Twentieth Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, New York. July 14, 2001.

Thede, L. Q. (2001). Nursing Languages: Does the Public Know Our Value? Rutger's Nineteenth Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, Denver, CO. July 15, 2001.

Thede, L. Q. (2000). Nursing Informatics: The Challenges and Potentials. Talk given at Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, November 7, 2000.

Thede, L. Q. (2000) Nursing Informatics: A Bridge to this Millennium. Keynote talk at the induction ceremony for Nu Delta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, International, Cleveland, Oh March 25, 2000.

Thede, L. Q. (1999). Standardized Languages: Why Bother? Keynote talk at the QS Marquette 7th Annual User Group Conference, Annapolis, MD, September 22, 1999

Thede, L. Q. (1999). There's Value in That Data: Find It! QS Marquette 7th Annual User Group Conference, Annapolis, MD, September 22, 1999.

Thede, L. Q., Brooks, T. & Dowdell, D. M. (1999). Data Base Management, Preconference for Rutger's Seventeenth Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, Boston, MA, April 25, 1999.

Thede, L. Q. The Web in Distance Learning: Beyond Course Delivery. Distance Learning: The New Millennium, Charlotte, NC, November 3, 1998.

Thede , L. Q. Undergraduate Informatics: What Should It Include. Sixteenth Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, Orlando, FL. April 27, 1998.

Thede, L. Nursing Resources on the Internet. Stark Carroll District Nurses Association. November 15, 1997. North Canton, OH.

Thede, L. Using Technology to Enhance Programs. Widening Our Horizons. Technology for Healthcare Educators, Somerset, KY, September 26, 1997

Thede, L. If You Can Read, You Can't Clean the Attic: Perspectives on the World Wide Web. Fifteenth Annual Nursing Informatics Conference: Using High Technology in Nursing Service and Education, Atlantic City, NJ,. March 17, 1997.

Thede, L. & Kirkpatrick J. Internet Sampler. North American Conference for Learning Resource Centers in Nursing Conference, Indianapolis, IN., April 20, 1996

Thede, L. The Internet: Resources for the 21st Century. North American Conference for Learning Resource Centers in Nursing Conference, Indianapolis, IN., April 19, 1996.

Sparks, S, Hodson, K., Thede, L. Surfing the Internet for Healthcare Grant Opportunities and Healthcare Resources, North American Conference for Learning Resource Centers in Nursing Conference, Indianapolis, IN., April 18, 1996.

Thede, L. Comparison of Teaching/Learning Paradigms for Designing Computer Assisted Instruction. Council for Research in Nursing Education, National League for Nursing. San Antonio, TX, January, 11, 1996.

Thede, L. Information Superhighway: Personal, Professional and Patient Education. Medical-Surgical and Nephrology Symposium '95, Columbus, Ohio, October 23, 1995.

Mikan, K. Hodson, K, & Thede, L. Intercollegiate Electronic Networking Among Graduate Students. Rutger's Thirteenth Annual National Nursing Computer Conference, Princeton, NJ, April 21, 1995.

Thede, L. Q., Hodson, K, & Mikan, K. Electronic Communication: A Necessity in Education, Research, and Clinical Practice. Rutger's Thirteenth Annual National Nursing Computer Conference, Princeton, NJ, April 19, 1995.

Mikan, K, Hodson, K, & Thede. Intercollegiate Electronic Networking Among Graduate Students. Nursing Informatics 94, 5th International Congress, San Antonio, TX., June 20, 1994.

Thede, L. Q., Hodson, K, & Mikan, K. Electronic Communication: A Necessity in Education, Research, and Clinical Practice. Learning Resources Centers in Nursing: Preparing Nurses for the 21st Century, San Antonio, TX., March 26, 1994.

Thede, L. Q., Hodson, K, & Mikan, K Using the Internet in Nursing. Learning Resources Centers in Nursing: Preparing Nurses for the 21st Century, San Antonio, TX., March 25, 1994.

Thede, L. Q. CAI: Learner Viewpoints. Association for the Development of Computer Based Instructional Systems 33rd Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO., November 1991.

Thede, L. Q. CAI: A Learner Viewpoint. Graduate Student Senate Research Colloquium, Kent State University, April 9. 1991.

Thede, L. Q. CAI Interactivity: A Learner Viewpoint. Educational Communication and Technology Annual Convention, Orlando, February, 1991.

Glazer, G., Doheny, M. & Thede, L. Computerized Data Base for Parent Child Nursing. NLN Research in a Nursing Education 9th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, February 1991.

Glazer, G. & Thede, L. Computerized Data Base for Parent Child Nursing Midwest Nursing Research Conference, April 1990.

Glazer, G., McBride, K. & Thede, L. Ohio Legislators' Perceptions of and Attitudes Toward Nursing,, Phyllis J. Verhonick Nursing Research Conference, April 1990.

Glazer, G. & Thede L. Computerized Data Base for Parent Child Nursing 3rd Annual Clinical Research Day cosponsored by Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Mu Chapter, February 23, 1990.

Thede, L. Q. Animated Transparencies. Association Educational Communication and Technology Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA, February 4, 1990.

Thede, L. Q. Classroom Visual Aids Through Computers, Seventh Annual Computer Conference, Rutgers University, May 19, 1989.

Thede, L. Q. Learning and Computers: A Synergism. Sixth Annual Computer Conference, Rutgers University, May 7, 1988.

Thede, L. Q. Nursing Use of Computer Projection Screen. Kent State Audiovisual, April 11, 1988.

Thede, L. Q. Prenatal Preparation for Unexpected Outcomes. Saying Goodbye: The Bereaved Parent, A workshop sponsored by Bronson Memorial Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI, October 17, 1980, Kalamazoo Community College, Kalamazoo, MI.