Linda Q Thede, PhD


Thede, L. Q. (2009). Creating a form in Microsoft Word. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing 27(5), 275-280.

Thede, L. Q. (2009).Track changes: Using Microsoft Word's editing tool. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing 27(1), 16-17.

Thede, L. Q. (2007).Networking via E-mail. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing 25(5), 251-253.

Thede, L. Q. (2007).Mail merge: A time saving tool. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing 25(3), 134-138.

Thede, L. Q. (2006). Nursing-oriented web resources. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 24(3), 124-129.

Thede, L. Q. (2005). Getting the most from your software: Power Point tips. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing 23(5), 245-249.

Thede, L. Q. (2005) Getting the most from your software: Tables. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing 23(3),168-73.

Thede, L. Q. (2005). Introduction. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing, 23(3),161.

Thede, L. Q. (September 30, 2001) "Overview And Summary: Telehealth: Promise Or Peril?" Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. (6)3. Available:

Doheny, M. and Thede, L. (August 16, 2000): Development of an Online Journal. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.(5)1. Available

Thede, L. Q. (2000) Mentoring and Listservs (E-mail Lists). The Region 4 Connection, September, 7.

Thede, L. Q. (1999). From the eyes of a student: International Distance Education. Fitne Healthnet for Healthcare Educators in the Know, 12(1), 1999

Thede, L. Q. (1999). The Internet Unraveled. Orthopaedic Nursing 18(2), 32-42.

Bridges, A, & Thede, L.Q. (1996). Nursing Resources on the World Wide Web. Nurse Educator, 21(5), 11-15.

Thede, L. Q., Taft, S., & Coeling, H. (1994). CAI: A Learner's Viewpoint. Journal of Nursing Education, 33(7), 299-305.

Thede, L. Q., Hodson, K, & Mikan, K. (1994). The impact of the Internet on nursing: Present and Future. Interactive Healthcare Newsletter, 10 (5/6), 9.

Thede, L.Q. (1991). Data Bases Demystified. Nursing Management, 22(7), 38-42.

Thede, L. Q. (1990). Care and Feeding of Nicad Batteries. Computers in Nursing., 8(6), 254-255.

Thede, L. Q. (1989). Letter. Computers in Nursing, 7(1), 4; 14.

Thede, L. Q. & Lower, S. (1989). Using Camelot to Evaluate Nursing Care Plans. Technological Innovations in Educational Settings, Number 20.

Thede, L. Q. (1988). College Version of Word Perfect: A Review. Computers in Nursing (6)5, 224-225.

Thede, L. Q. (1987). User Point of View: the Z181. Computers in Nursing 5(5), 199-200

Thede, L. Q. (1985). Software review of Building a Medical Vocabulary. (1985). Computers in Nursing, 3(5), 229-232.