Standardized Nursing Languages: The Road to better patient care


Alternative Billing Codes





Minimum Data Sets




Omaha System



Table of Current ANA Recognized Standardized Nursing Terminologies

The American Nurses Association (ANA) in its 22 year experience with evaluating nursing terminologies recognized several different type of terminologies, among them minimum nursing data sets, nursing specific terminologies, interdisciplinary terminologies and a terminology useful by nurse practitioners for billing. Note that all the ANA recognized terminologies are integrated into the Unified Medical Language System.

All of the nursing specific and interdisciplinary terminologies have some ability to function as interface terminologies useful by clinicians for planning and documenting care. A few are also reference terminologies, or a terminology to which documentation is coded behind the scenes for use in higher level analysis.

Included at the end are two items that, although not ANA recognized, are part of the SNL world.

In each category, the terminologies are listed alphabetically.

D = Nursing Diagnosis or Problem
I = Intervention
O = Outcome

Terminology Elements Year ANA recognized Interface or Reference

Nursing Specific Terminologies

Clinical Care Classification (CCC)


D, I, O 1992 Interface

International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP)


D, I, O 2000 Interface and Reference

North American Nursing Diagnosis Association - International (NANDA-I)


D 1992 Interface

Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC)


I 1992 Interface

Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC)


O 1997 Interface

Omaha System


D, I, O 1992 Interface

Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS)


D, I, O 1999 Interface

Interdisciplinary Terminologies

Systematized Nomenclature Of Medicine-Clinical Terminology (SNOMED)


I 1999

Interface and Reference

Logical Observation Identifiers Names And Codes (LOINC)


D 2002 Interface

Alternative Billing Codes (ABC)

  2000 Billing
Minimum Data Sets

Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS)



Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS)

Non-ANA Standardized Nursing Terminologies

International Nursing Minimum Data Set (i-NMDS)






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Created July 1, 2014