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Changing Page Orientation

The visual material on a page is either the usual page you think of when you print a document, which is called portrait, or in landscape where the wider view is the orientation.

In computer pages intended for printing or even viewing, sometimes you need to have a landscape view. To change the view:

Microsoft Products

Word Perfect

Microsoft Products

You are most apt to want to change the page orientation when you have a large table, either in Word or Excel. Sometimes, however, you need to change the landscape orientation in Power Point to portrait. This is a very simple operation.

In Word or Excel, on the Home ribbon click on Page Layout and click on the arrow by Page Orientation and select either portrait or landscape. In Power Point this option is found on the Design Ribbon as Page Orientation.

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Word Perfect

On the menu line click on Format>Page>Page Setup and in the lower left area of the window make your selection.

Created November 19, 2011

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